Wednesday, October 14, 2009

embracing the cold

It is here again so abruptly. cold days. from 85 to 60 degrees to 40 degrees in no time at all. It is funny how when winter turns to spring 50 degrees feels glorious and warm and you don't need a jacket anymore. But. But, when summer turns to fall and quickly to winter after a blissful 80 degrees 50 feels so COLD. What a wimp I have become and how quickly I forget.
I love the colors the leaves turn and how crisp and fresh the air feels and smells. There are piles of leaves, but no Solomon and Benjamin to burry in and laugh.
I am deciding to embrace the fall with all of the glorious pumpkin, root vegetable and squash recipes I can find. In doing so I am loving all of the cinnamon, nutmeg and clove and trying to be careful not to gain back the 15 pounds I worked so hard at getting off of my body. I must keep moving in all of my desire to curl up in a blanket and read all of the time mentality. As I walked up the stairs to get to the computer my muscles reminded me of how hard they are working for me after yesterday's workout. Must keep moving and not bake too many goodies and keep drinking tea instead of longing for hot chocolate.


Nathalia said...

aww Bee.. thanks for the comment on my blog. I've been trying to use some of my (huge) stash :) although every time I go to the store I see new and cute things I just *have* to have :) LOL ... I miss you too AND scrapping together.. I've yet to find a scrapping partner :( Maybe we should do a virtual crop - you, Miriam and me :) hehe Did you hear about Pages in Time? They are closing :( :( whaaa Anyways, call me sometime, ok? XOXO

Nathalia said...

oh darn.. I forgot what I originally was going to post.. MOVE HERE!! It's too cold over there.. Boooo!! Here is warm and toasty :) hehe

Anonymous said...

OOOHHHHH! I want some of your hot chocolate RIGHT NOW.

I miss you so much! I wish I could send Solomon and Benjamin to jump in your leaves. We don't have any leaves on the ground, yet. I find myself actually missing the dramatic autumns of the midwest--but not nearly as much as I miss you.

Anonymous said...

And hooray, hooray for the 15 pounds! Way to go!

elizabeth strehle said...

Hey you two! stop bragging about the fact that it isn't as cold where you are. I am embracing the fall remember! :) Hee Hee.
I would move to either place where you are, but John has a job here.
Love you!