Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Chapter 2 (summarized)
What Eve Alone Can Tell

"Eve is the crescendo, the final astonishing work of God. Woman. She is the Master's finishing touch." Every woman should remind herself that "the whole, vast world is incomplete with out me. Creation reached its zenith in me." Eve is created because things were not right with out her.

Women are relational to their core. This tells us of God's desire and capacity for intimate relationship, yearns for relationship with us. God longs to be loved by you. God yearns to share a life of beauty, intimacy and adventure with us.

God's mission to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and conquer (Gen 1: 26-28) shows we are to live this adventure of life together. Eve is his "ezer kenegdo" helper, companion, help meet, sustainer beside him, lifesaver alongside. This reflects God's plan to be the lifesaver alongside his created beings, to share in the adventure alongside, not in the sidelines.

Beauty. The created world is filled with the glory of God. The reason why a woman asks, Do you delight in me? is because God does as well. God id captivating beauty.
Beauty speaks. In nature there is rest. That is what it is like to be with a woman at rest. a woman comfortable with her feminine beauty.
Beauty invites. Beauty nourishes and offers life. Beauty comforts and soothes the soul. Beauty inspires. Beauty is transcendent and is sometimes so deep it pierces us with a longing. Beauty draws us to the creator, to God. One of the deepest ways a woman bears the image of God is in her "mystery"- something to be explored. God wants to be known and sought after by those who would know him.

1 comment:

elizabeth strehle said...

you are the zenith of creation! God looked at all He had created and said it is good. He knew that part of Himself had not yet been revealed so He chose us, US! to reveal the rest of His character. Woman and the daughters of Eve. Then creation was complete.
I knew this before, but reading this book and seeing it from this perspective really touched my heart deeply. I am often amazed when I think of how much our Creator loves us. I often think of it in terms of the sacrifice and salvation given by Jesus. I had neglected to see the deep longing and love that God had for us from the beginning as He formed us.