Thursday, December 18, 2008

I hate good byes

I hate saying good bye to those I love sharing life with.  I have to wrestle with the fact that the relationship we have now needs to evolve into another form in order to survive.  I like to "hang out" and" just be" with people.  It hurts me greatly to know that I can't hang out with them anymore, whether it is my best buddy Heather who moved to Oklahoma earlier this year, or my lovely knitting girls Lindsey and Jodi that I won't be able to watch Jane Austen movies and knit with, or pop in to say hi to Harmony for a minute and talk about girl stuff and life. I will also miss fabulous lunches and hanging out with the Martinez', the Moores, the Burnettes, and Gredeckis. The last three years has been full of goodbye.  saying goodbye to california family and friends, then at Andrews we have seen people move in and out of our lives.  No more scrapbooking with Nathalia and Elana.  No more laughing at Billy, or listening to Roland lead worship.   Moving and transitioning is rough.  God please bind us together via internet and the phone.  Help us to grow together in a new way.  

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